Disclaimer: this blog is the investigation of a question that has been bugging me for my three years on campus: how involved are people on campus?
Freshmen are encouraged to get involved in clubs for the first few weeks, culminating in the Activities Fair.
Few people try to follow up with older students, let alone freshmen after those weeks.
Parents ask what their kids are doing or could be doing on campus; even high school seniors might see what they could do during their college experience.
Also, few clubs are also known by the ASUP Senators as they use precious time during the semester budget meetings asking club representatives about their events or role on campus.
This blog hopes to shed light on the lesser-seen clubs and activities, providing them some much needed attention, removing preconceptions and ignorance about clubs and activities, and make strides to answer that ultimate question.
Maybe I will find out there are just a few that are involved in anything and most of the campus is made up of the “silent majority” that are only here for their degree and hanging out for their friends.
How will I work to answer these questions?
Club profiles: club synopsis, interview of leadership, stories about their meeting/ event attended
"How an Idea Becomes a Club": I will follow the efforts of at least one potential club as it tries to become an official club
"Inside the Student Activities Office": interviews with student workers and the employees of the Office of Student Activities including Jillian Smith, the Assistant Director for Student Clubs, and Jeromy Koffler, the director of Student Activities and ASUP Senate Adviser.
Club of the Week: profile of a club, not necessarily one I have already attended or already profiled
I am a Member of the "Silent Majority": interview with someone who is involved with only a few clubs and is more concerned about their degree or their friends than what happens in other clubs
"Not My Club": a rip-off of NPR's "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me''s popular segment, "Not My Job", asking questions about a club or event on campus to someone not affiliated with the club to see how much they know campus activities
"Clubs Gone by": a featured club that used to exist on campus. Possibly including ways it could return or how it served its purpose
"The Search for the Most Active Student": a continuing series to find who is either the most organized or the most tired student, depending on their perspective
Weekend Recaps of club events
Listings of as many events occurring each week I can find to show the options and potential conflicts
These are most of the ways., as the weeks go by, some segment will change or be dropped. I am also open for guest suggestions and even a guest columnist or two.
I also have a radio show Fridays from 4-5pm called UP to Something on kdup.up.edu, the campus radio station, where I will discuss some of these topics and produce interviews that might make appearances here. I warn you, I do not have the best voice for radio, but I try my best.
I also serve as KDUP's liaison with the student government, so reports for meetings will make occasional appearances.
Even though I will try to be as unbiased as possible, there are times where I will have an obvious slant on an issue. I will try to remind you, the reader when I write in that way, but let me know if I go astray.
Do not hesitate to provide your opinions on things through the comments. I hope you enjoy my efforts and once a routine is established, this site can perform some good in the university community.
Love the idea for "Not My Club" ...totally awesome. I really look forward to your posts. I have a feeling that I will learn a lot about this campus!